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There are several disciplines within psychotherapy which I use to help my clients. Depending on your presenting problem, I may use an Existential approach to help make sense of your place in their world, to find alignment between societal, cultural and individual expectations. It’s very client focused and an empowering way of working and focusing on your identity and self concept, based on your 'place' within the world.  

I foster a Psychodynamic approach to help us understand and dig into the root of the problem to create long-lasting change. We find out what is keeping you 'stuck', this approach works on your unconscious.  We will look for these unconscious 'knots' so you can start unravelling all the strands. This requires a deep level of trust between us and is rooted in the exploration of personal transformation. Such depth work is often best undertaken within the context of a longer-term therapeutic relationship, (Psychotherapy), ideally spanning 4 months or more.

This allows us ample time to delve into the intricate layers of your psyche, and a thorough and holistic understanding, fostering meaningful growth and self-awareness.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), is widely known for its effectiveness in treating held negative beliefs about yourself since early childhood. We will learn to understand your feelings and emotions about events in your life, to identify and examine the thinking patterns that are taking place and how they may impact your behaviour today and work collaboratively to develop coping strategies and tools to manage this harmoniously.




Gestalt therapy is about looking at you as a whole, and within your present surroundings, rather than breaking things into parts. I help you to focus on the here and now and your immediate thoughts, feelings and behaviour to better understand how you relate to others and to situations. This can help you find a new, positive perspective on problems and bring about changes in your life. It often includes inner child work, acting out scenarios and dream recall, and is extremely effective in treating issues such as anxiety, stress, addiction, tension and depression.

Integrative counselling looks at the whole person, taking into account your mental, physical and emotional needs. I will use techniques such as above and tools from different modalities to tailor an individual approach for you.

My aim is to build a trusting and non-judgmental relationship that helps you develop self-awareness, to understand the causes of your concerns or triggers for your behaviour, we can confidently set goals and develop new behaviours to improve your satisfaction with life and ignite your full potential. 


I am a heart and soul person-centred therapist, and follow the view that everyone has the capacity and desire for personal growth and change, regardless of circumstances, and not only does evidence suggests so, my lived experience demonstrates it.


Rather than being seen as the 'expert' and directing the therapy, you are the expert of your truth. while I offer the above disciplines, and give you unconditional positive regard, empathy and congruence to help you come to terms with your deep rooted feelings, to heal and reach your full potential. You are the one in charge and I am deeply honoured and privileged to be on this journey with you. 

Image by Jared Rice
Amanda-Salib Signature

My Approach

Healing past trauma can be a deeply transformative and rewarding process but the process not pain free. Contrary to some psychoanalytic theories and misconceptions, healing past trauma isn't solely about revisiting the past. While understanding past events can provide us with deep insight and awareness, the heart of trauma therapy often lies in safety and stabilisation, remembrance and mourning, reconnection and addressing the present-day implications of those experiences. 

I work with clients from childhood through to old age, focusing on developmental (lifespan), environmental and cultural perspectives in supporting our work together and being part of your intimate realm, assisting you to relieve your intense emotional pain, give you hope for the future, and lead a satisfying, empowered life, is truly the most enriching experience for me as a counsellor and there is nothing more fulfilling, and you will be witness to my own sparkle that ignites my soul when we reach there together.

I am ethically bound by the BPS and BACP to adhere to confidentiality, honouring trust  and giving you autonomy and maintaining integrity. Full details can be found -

My Approach
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